
Dieng Sikunir Sunrise

Golden Sunrise Sikunir Tourism is located at an altitude of 2,306 meters above sea level. At this height there is a village. Sembungan Village is predicted to be the tallest village on the island of Java. Being on a hill, the cold air becomes an unforgettable sensation. But the rising sun became a source of its own warmth. Cold, warm, and the panorama managed to attract tourists The name ‘dieng’ which literally translates as ‘abode of the Gods’ says all you need to know about this collection small ancient temples set in the remarkable volcanic landscape of the Dieng Plateau. The misty location, sulphurous springs and colored lakes truly make this a place of natural wonder and cultural significance

Location & Highlights:
marker Sikunir Hill Dieng (Google Map)
  • Mountain
  • Natural Surroundings
  • Sunrise